This is my progress on Grateful Heart by Sharon Cohen. These rather large flowers are done in Irish stitch. According to the instructions it is, anyway, although the diagram is a bit puzzling. After the first row or two I figured it out, and if it isn`t exactly as diagrammed, it turned out ok.
Next is a row of long armed cross and double running that is exactly like the row above this one, only it is inverted. I`m not too sure about the word 'stitches' in the is done in a very pale yellow (willow), and it makes it hard to read, so I think i`ll change it. There are lots more changes i`m going to make further down also, but i`ll leave discussing those for another day.
I must admit, I am a little discouraged with the number of comments I get on my blog...some days it feels like no one is reading, so why do I bother? If anyone has any suggestions as to things they would like to see here, please leave me a note.
As always...keep stitching ladies!
It is so pretty with such luscious colors and what great photos!
MJ, the colours in this piece are fabulous, but I agree - the yellow of 'stisches' seems a little pale.. I'd probably change to a darker yellow too.
Maybe you have readers who rare;y comment?
Wow it's looking lovely MJ! Love how the Irish stitches look in the large flower band.
I don't always leave a comment when I view your blog - I'm often in a bit of a rush and just drink in the pictures. Don't feel discouraged!
The sampler looks lovely mj - what a great texture from those different stitches!
Your stitching is gorgeous! And the colors are really amazing too!!!
I read hun, but don't comment. I am more fluent in politics than stitches.
But I am glad I keep you in stitches. Ha, ha, get it, stitches!
Lovely work sweetie.
The boyfriend :)
The sampler is coming along nicely and looks lovely! I have the charts but not sure when I'll get to it. I think changing the yellow would be a good idea.
I always read your posts, but maybe I don't always comment. I'm sure that is probably true for all bloggers. I bet others are like me and sometimes just skim through blogs and don't take the time to comment.
It's a gorgeous day here in southern Ontario and I've just come inside from doing a bit of weeding. Washed my hands and had some glasses of water and now sitting down and enjoying your blog!
There's a shop in Peterborough, Ontario and she is getting rid of her Six Strand Sweets for $1.25. If you want I can get the name and address. Maria S.
I love this sharon cohen design.
Beautiful stitches of yours !
MJ - this is absolutely stunning - you are doing a simply marvelous job with it -
I know what you mean about the blog comments - How some people get 30,40,50 comments and I am lucky to get 8 - Someone said you need to post at least once a week and do lots of photos - Well I'm doing my best - and looks to me like you are doing a great job too - just hang in there - I'll read yours if you'll read mine! LOL - Melody
Hello there! I visit your site regularly and certainly don't want you to feel discouraged. Keep up the great work on your beautiful sampler and definately keep blogging! We are out here. We just don't always post
Thanks for those clear up close pics of the Irish stitch. It's a gorgeous stitch and you've executed it to perfection. I've never actually stitch a Sharon Cohen piece though I have several charts. I sure love the colors in this one.
Thanks for all the lovely comments ladies (and gents ;-) ) I am glad to hear so many do read and enjoy my blog!
Love your progress pics on this piece! I am sorely tempted to start it myself, the colours are just gorgeous!
Beautiful work! Might I you use a scroll frame or ??
Hi Kim! I use a hoop. I have one that is my fav, I wrapped the inner part tightly with yarn so the fabric doesn`t slip, and the outer rim is wrapped with plastic wrap so it is smooth and doesn`t snag or pull on the stitches. It looks a little odd, but it works!
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