Walls for the wind and a roof for the rain and drinks beside the fire ~
laughter to cheer you and those you love near you and all that your heart desires.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Progress and futzing...

I have been working on my Celtic Summer from Lavender and Lace. Here is where I was:

Then I was here:

 Notice there are some stitches missing in her sleeve? I did my own colour conversion for the  purples and greens. The original was done with DMC 500, 501, 502, 503 etc...a minty green palette. I wanted a more spring green and substituted 890, 319, 367, 320, 368 and 369 for the greens. The purples were Needlepaints, which I didn`t have, so I did a conversion for the purples as well. using 333, 3746, 340, 156 and 3747. I then decided 3747 was too pale and too blue, so I picked it out and restitched the sleeve with 341.  Here is where I am now :

I like it much better now! The light purples are still a bit on the blue side, but I think it will be ok once all the deeper shades are in. I wish I could have adjusted the colour on all three pics so they were the same, but when Microsoft (also known as those f***ers in our house) did their last massive update it seems to have screwed up the program I used to download my pics and adjust them. The colours are the closest to the middle pic. 

Other than working on this, I have been clearing out some of my old stash and organizing a bit (futzing). It is still hard to get to my needlework stuff in the spare room, but hopefully it will get easier once hubby clears out the sunporch. That is where all his tools are for now, until he gets the garage built. If finances ever improve that is. I want the sun porch to be my stitching room. Maybe next year, fingers crossed. 

If you haven`t discovered Flosstube (on Youtube) you have to go have a look. There are so many stitchers that are making videos. Here are a few of my favorites:

Emily C     https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyo82ed6INkZP_DsCHlwR3w/feed

Stitcherista     https://www.youtube.com/user/DefiningDani

Trisha      https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOcY3eiZJx6XqVgbl24yaw

Heather   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWDzJUbYiuRnWqtX0et5htQ

I can`t seem to make them links, so just copy and paste into your browser bar. There are so many more, too many to list. Such fun to listen to while you stitch.

Well, it is 2:45...AM. Time for bed I guess. Keep stitching ladies!


deb said...

I like the greens you are using much better than the original, and your Celtic lady is looking lovely!

Flosstube? Ack! I get lost enough in reading stitchy blogs - am afraid I'd disappear altogether if I ever start wandering around Flosstube. ;)

Robin in Virginia said...

Your Celtic gal is looking good. I like your color changes.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful job you did!